IBISBA Stakeholder Workshop in Germany to lay the groundwork for the German Node

On December 11, 2024, the Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology (IGB) hosted a workshop in Stuttgart to discuss the establishment of the German node of IBISBA.
Bringing together key stakeholders from the German biotechnology landscape, the event sought to define the role of a German national node within IBISBA and its connection to existing activities and networks in the field.
The workshop was opened with a welcome address by Christine Rasche, Head of the Sustainable Chemistry Business Unit at Fraunhofer IGB, followed by a presentation from Enrico Barsch of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), who highlighted the role of industrial biotechnology in enabling a circular bioeconomy. Michael O’Donohue, Acting Director of IBISBA, introduced the research infrastructure and its current developments, while Beatrice Cobucci Ponzano from the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) provided examples of ERIC national nodes drawing on the experience of the Italian node.
A moderated panel discussion introduced attendees to several German networks active in industrial biotechnology, including CLIB, DECHEMA, and TRANSBIB, offering a comprehensive view of the existing landscape. Later in the day, interactive sessions focused on gathering input on key questions such as stakeholder involvement, collaboration with current networks, governance models, and the expected benefits of a national node.
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